Reason to choose florida keys aquarium design

 Our designer  at Keys Aquatics is designing a state of the art aquarium to superbly fit your home or place of business. We work friendly with designers, carpenters, and/or architects to ensure that your new aquarium is not just a fish tank but a work of art. Florida keys aquarium design give


-Standard stand alone aquariums and cabinetry

-Custom aquariums with wood work and cabinetry

-Aquariums with artificial corals or plants

-Live reef aquariums

-Design and planning

-Maintenance plans ones the project is completed


Our services allow you to enjoy your tank while leaving all of the maintenance and care  to us. Absolutely everything is taken care of. Our aquariums are executive installed for you, and come complete with everything from the tank, decorations, equipment, fish… even the food. We place automatic feeders to feed your fish (unless you prefer to do it yourself), and put the tank’s lighting on timers so you don’t have to do a thing. The professional staff will overtake your location either weekly or biweekly to change and clean the filters, aquarium glass, change the water and check the well being of your livestock. Keys Aquatics also attach and replaces all the fish and critters as required, to ensure your tank looks as good as the day it was installed.

The  aquarium designer  carry out  a set of routine cleaning tasks that will consistently maintain the aquarium's water chemistry within normal parameters. As well, an compulsory rating of equipment and aquarium performance is necessary so the aquarist has a chance to intervene and mitigate, or prevent any issues with your aquarium.

florida keys aquarium design

Our monthly maintenance plans:

Fish only  tanks with compulsory biweekly maintenance visits – Aquariums up to 1000 gallons .

Fish tanks with mandatory biweekly maintenance visits – Aquariums over 1000 gallons .

Fish tanks with weekly maintenance visits – Aquariums over 1000 gallons.

Reef tanks with mandatory weekly maintenance visits.

24/7 being an internet aquarium observ.  system comprises with all of our maintenance plans!


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